I have tabulated all the results in the UNB Reader survey and over the next week or so I’ll be putting out the final results. I have gotten the reporting down to a science and can do it on my own, just don’t expect it very fast. After a few hours in an Excel Worksheet, my brain starts to numb and I have to stop. All those numbers start to mesh together.
I double-checked this section and I have come to a realization. You guys aren’t into fetishwear as a whole. Some of you may like it but overall the numbers in this section are pretty low on who is wearing it and such. Plus a lot of these we never cover on UNB. Expect to see the entire Fetishwear section down to a single question in next year’s survey. It will cover what you like and not go into more detal. This is totally fine it gets me to cut down the survey more and add in questions that need follow-up. One I want to add is why do you like thongs. This means the thong section will be expanded a little for next year.
The only things fetishwear we will cover are harnesses which are gaining in popularity. And, Singlets, which are my personal favorites, and more of you guys are wearing them. Which is awesome. Also, we will be reporting on lace as always. Lastly, I don’t have many fetish pics drawn so I had to use real pics from previous shoots.

I think this pic sums up what I was saying earlier. Over 40% of guys marked they didn’t like any fetishwear.

Lace is prob the biggest response we had to the fetishwear section. It is about 20% or more who wear lace and like it.

I had to include leather since it’s the king of all fetish wear. About 15% of you wear it to romantic nights or the bedroom. But a few wear it every day. I think leather is one of the few you can wear every day.
In the slides below there isn’t much to say other than as you can tell Spandex gear is popular, which we will continue to cover. And many of you love harneses. Underwear companies keep coming out with more of them. The other numbers are so small there is no point in asking about them in the future or covering them on UNB.
I know some of you fetish guys are like “Wait a minute.” Don’t worry this doesn’t mean we won’t cover areas of the fetish world. There are times when things come out that I think are cool and will share, Especially on fetish Fridays. This means we won’t cover them weekly. Fetish wear very much has a place on UNB but it’s not the main focus, underwear and swimwear are the main focus. This just proves that what I was focusing on was the right decision.

Again, fetishwear isn’t disappearing off the site. I just was surprised by the numbers. I figured we’d have more gear guys out there who loved more and different things.