The holiday’s are right around the corner. It’s time we will get online and go out and shop till we drop. However one thing is left off most guys wish list is undies. Remember when we got undies as kids it was like “Ugh not underwear.” Now we’d kill to get some of our favorite undies under the tree (or where ever you put the presents).
This year we are starting the Secret Santa on the Podcast. The presents we will be giving is undies!!! This got me thinking that we need to bring undies back under the tree. Granted, the ones we got as kids were usually the six pack of briefs or boxer briefs, which now very few of use would welcome. I think I would have the same reaction I had as a kid if I got those now.
How can we share our undies with others?
- Wish List – Many sites lets you create a wish list. You can go through and pick out your favorites. then you can share with your friends, family and significant other to order. This is probably the easiest way for people to buy and ship all in the same list. However, not every site has a wish list.
- Spread Sheet – If your favorite site doesn’t have a wish list or your want to share multiple sites you can create a spreadsheet with links. This can be done on Excel or Google Sheets.
- Window Shop together – if you have a supportive partner or friend go shopping at your favorite store or online. Share with them what you love and why you love it. This will give them a better idea of what you like and don’t like. I know there are a lot who won’t have this option and that sucks but if you are lucky enough, take advantage of it.
If you don’t have a supportive partner or friend you can always buy for yourself. This week there will be some amazing sales in swimwear, underwear, eroticwear, and more! Go enjoy the deals over the next few weeks.