This year on the UNB Brief Talk Podcast we are doing a Secret Santa! All our guys are participating and from what I gather all pairs are in the mail now! We talked about it last year but did it too late, however, this year we are right on time for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals. If you guys have friends online and want to join us this year here is what we did.

  1. First, we found out who was interested in joining and then I digitally drew names. How I did it for UNB was randomly put people on a spreadsheet. Then I used a random number generator to pick the order of the numbers. Our only issue was we had a copule we didn’t want to choose each other but it all worked out. The only down side is that I know who everyone has (heheh) and I know who has me.
  2. Next, set the rules for purchasing. Now, I thought that we would all get one pair per person. As we went through I discovered that most guys bought two pairs. I thought about putting a limit on it but knowing undies I didn’t do that. I would say put a one or two pair rule on it. We had someone who will be nameless that put a $500 screen shot in our group text. If he bought that we’d all be pissed, except the person he was buying for, but he didn’t spend that much. But next year we will set a pair or mentary limit. One thing I did do is give the guys a discount at the UNB Store if they wanted to shop. No one had to shop there but since it’s there why not get a deal.
  3. Make sure everyone has sent their undies. In person this is not necessary but if you are doing this all online and across the country its imporant that everyone who participated gets a present in return.
  4. Get on Zoom and open the undies and see what everyone got! We are going to randomly pick guys to unwrap or in our case, open the undies.
  5. Lastly, share your purchases on social media!

This should be fun and I am sure we are going to do this next year as well. We may do a swim-thong secret swim in the summer!

If you do this let us know.


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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