Did you know we have shirts? I am working on a few really amazing things, but for the time being we have some shirts perfect for summer and you thongers out there. We have a series of Proud Thonger shirts. One featuring our favorite thonger Andy aka ScruffyGay. But, that’s not all we also have beach towels as well!
Our Three shirts are the Original “Proud Thonger” shirt. WIth an outline of a red thong. The second is a back view of a thonger, we call this the 2.0 shirt. Lastly, the 3.0 shirt feature Andy in his peach hat!
Break out your towel for your own Big Deck Energy or Pool or Beach Energy. You can lay out on a proud thonger towel! The perfect accessory for a summer day.

Last shirt is our newest, the Himbo Gym Shirt. Features an outline of a bodybuilder with the Himbo Gym and “We make ’em big and dumb” Prefect for your next work out, bar night, or just around town.
Get all these at out Threadless store