If you are a guy of a certain age, International Male and UnderGear are two catalogs that influenced your fashion in underwear and clothing. It was “THE” place to get new, hot, and different gear. But do you know the story behind the business? If not, you may have been waiting for the documentary “All Man: The International Male Story” that tells you the history of IM from the people there! This includes employees, models, photographers, and more.

This is a must-see for guys passionate about IM/UG. I bought the movie, which brought back many memories of using my IM Credit Card with its $200 limit. But for a broke college student, 200 bucks could get you a lot of underwear! However, one piece of clothing I got was a denim shirt; it was the best denim shirt I ever bought (yes, it was the 90s). It was thick and perfect. However, I bought so much underwear I can’t tell you what I bought. One thing that stands out is spandex shorts that are unzipped all the way around. They came in black or white, and I got both, and you could unzip them and have a black/white pair of shorts.

I will have more very soon on this documentary but you can get it on all platforms for purchase, Apple, Amazon, and etc. Go watch it now, sorry it’s not for streaming.


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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