After my surgery for that giant kidney stone, I had much time to think, including UNB. Where do I want to take UNB in its 15th year and beyond? One thing that kept coming back to me was community building and sharing personal stories. We have done them for years, but I haven’t focused on them exclusively.

In the last few years since the pandemic, we have focused hard and built something amazing with the Brief Talk Podcast. It has grown into something I never imagined it would be and inspired so many of you guys. However, I have encountered many guys who, for whatever reason (personal, professional, privacy, anxiety) declined to be on the podcast. This is fine; not everyone is at a point to come on a podcast and talk about underwear. But I have had some offers to post like we used to do with Brief Tales.

Over the next few months, I will ask more and more guys to do a podcast or blog post. Giving them a choice as to which they prefer. If you do the podcast or the blog, I will guarantee some things.

  1. Privacy – your privacy is one of our biggest concerns. You can be as open and honest about who you are, or we can use a social media name or pseudonym. Not everyone can show off with full face due to family or work reasons. Also, we will NEVER give out contact information to someone unless authorized by you. We usually give out social media names to the audience, but we will not share emails, phone numbers, or any other personally identifiable information.
  2. Pictures – You do not have to furnish us with pictures of yourself if you are uncomfortable; I can always create art for the post or podcast.
  3. Positive Experience – We want this to be a positive experience for all the guys who come on the podcast and blog. I always hear amazing feedback on individual stories, and our guests do. You may not see yourself as an inspiration, but to many guys out there, your story will be their story and inspire them. I will pass along the feedback I get to the guest.
  4. Show Underwear in a positive light – So many times in our societies, underwear is a joke in TV and movies. The guy in the bikini or thong is the, pardon the pun, butt of the joke. As if wearing underwear is something silly or shameful. Having more guys share their personal journies is a way to combat this in society.
  5. It’s your own words – In the podcast, we do not edit anything other than um’s, filler words, and long spaces. Unless specifically asked to do it by the guest. As for the blog, we will check the post for spelling and grammar but will not change the meaning of your words. I like to return the edited print version for a read to ensure any points aren’t lost when we edit. Then we publish.

I would love for any guy reading this post to come on the show or blog and share their underwear journey or even interesting stories. I forgot to mention above we want to include more than how you discovered your love of underwear/swimwear, but also positive situations that have given you confidence. Contact us at info AT to find out more and get on UNB.


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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