Hey guys, I was surfing around and ran across Cocksox. The undies look awesome, and gives great support. I love undies with great pouches. Thier site at www.cocksox.com is awesome. check it out! Enjoy these pics! Has anyone ever bought any of these, I’m curious if you have. Post how they wear.
I Keep forgetting to post these here. But they have been up since Monday!
Click here to download
My conversation with Chris and Vulty from Vulty and Hough (Formerly the Daily Hough)
Podcast 12
Click here to download
My conversation with Adam form the Krebs Cast
Yeah it’s time for another podcast and there will be at least 2 others this week. This is the interview I did Darin from All Prep & No H. If I sound drunk I”m not, I think you can hear on the podcast there was an echo and I kept getting thrown off. I hope you enjoy it. And yes there will be at least TWO yes that’s 2 more this week. Maybe Three. Ohhhhhhh, I will post the other one tomorrow night!
Click here to download
Ginch Gonch has to be one of the most innovative underwear companies around. Thier advertising is very on the edge and so are thier undies. They ahve a new contest to send in a video of you getting a wedgie and win $5,000. Now that’s some money. Speaking from a marketing view, they are very innnovative and are taking risks, I think it’s fun. Check them out
This is the new home page of Topdrawers.com. I will say HOT HOT HOT. They are showcasing N2N line. Which I think is an awesome line but you have to have a good body to wear it. As you can tell. I haven’t tired it for the obvioius reasons but I’m not sure how thier pouches are, if they are made for big boys or not. I think they stretch, from what i hear from a friend, and fit damn good too.
Just a quick undie update, stay tuned for more!
Hey guys, Just wanted to inform you that Audace is running a sale on CK undies, all styles it say. I think CK is going an awesome job making undies these days. Check out Audace for prices and other brands too.
Ok first off I think this is a first, three posts in one day. Whooo hooo. But this is a posted I wanted to do earlier this week. First off, if you listened to my podcast you’ll know that Erogenos has agreed to let me post pics from their site on here. And I’ll tell you what specials and sales they have. I haven’t ordered from them yet, well I tried but the credit card I used was at the limit. So I didn’t get what I want. But every time I have contacted them they have been great and have awesome customer service.
Ok first up is some clearance news. Audace has a spring clearance event going on . Its mainly over JM gear. Both undies and swim wear. It’s not bad, if you need a new suit for summer check them out and they will have what you need. I gotta get in shape before that happens. They do have a few CK, Unico and HOM brands as well. But the JM suits are pretty cool. I wish I had money to get some. All pretty good.
Next up is new undies from Unico. Man these undies are smoking, I so have to get a pair of Unico. I hear they rock, especially for guys with a little more up front. I have also heard buy a size up from what you wear, they run small. I think Unico makes the best undies as for style lately. They make some great boxer briefs and briefs. As many of you know I hate boxer briefs because they ride up and don’t give good support. But these are the kinds of boxer briefs I like, very tight and they have a built in pouch. I think all of Unico undies have a pouch. The top row are the new boxer briefs, I love all of them, I think they are really innovative in their colors too. I’m so tired of black, white and grey undies. It’s time we got color back in men’s undies. Unico has always used bright colors and interesting color combinations. The briefs are hot too. They are small and sexy. I love briefs that are just that. I know many out there don’t but as I’ve chatted with some guys online it’s time we really talk about undies and talk about styles other then briefs and boxer briefs. I”ll keep you posted when I get a pair. Next post on undies I’m going to tell what I like and why. I hope I’ll have some discussions on the types of undies, plain white briefs, bikinis, boxer briefs, thongs, boxers, jocks and sports gear (such as compression shorts and UnderArmour). I definitely am interested what you guys think too. As you can tell underwear is one thing I really love.
Till next time!
Well I know it’s about time I talk about undies. I am going to share a secret with you that I found out this past week. There are several sites with clearance underwear sections. I mean great undies and good brand names for next to nothing.
The first company is Erogenos. Its one based here in Atlanta area. I have yet to order anything from them. I tired the other wee but have had credit card drama. I’ve been living all them so need I say more? Well they had Unico and a baskit jock on clearance. And heck they have a lot on clearance. About half off what they usually have it for. I have found them a while back off the 2xist web site, they are listed as a seller near by me. I have seen them on for a two years and even emailed them about a job a while back, hey, didn’t hurt asking, they weren’t hiring but you never now.
The one thing I really like about Erogenos is that they have some really unique undies and swimwear. An example of that is Rufskin from Brazil, wow, some of it is really cool. They use net, mesh and all sorts of stuff. Check it out on their site. Another great find is Tulio, they do swim wear and not just bikinis but square cuts and board shorts. They are really cool. I wish most gay boys wore speedos still but a lot don’t’, but this brand shows there is a lot of styles that can be sexy when done right. So don’t just shop for the clearance stuff but the good stuff too!
The next place is N2N Bodywear. They have a great clearance section. They have 10 and 15 buck sections. But with their stuff you have to have the body to back it up. I hear from a buddy, they rock. They are one of the best suits you can get. I haven’t tried them yet but then again I’m not in the best shape. They also have undies too and I will try them out soon I hope.
This is just a quick post about gear and I hope I hear from you about what gear you like and where you shop. I want to do a “Where to shop for undies on the net” post soon
Wear something comfy!
OK I make no secret that I love underwear. I have noticed that Ralph Lauren Polo now has some really cool undies. We all know I’m a fan of skimpy and tight undies. Before now mostly RL has done just briefs and boxer briefs. Well they have come out with low rise, bikinis and thongs. I was at the mall yesterday and saw them. I was like NO WAY!
I came this close to buying some but I didn’t. They look really cool (as you can see by the pics. Being a student and unemployed I have to watch things, and paying $10 or more for a pair of undies is a little much right now. I just wanted to inform you on the new undies. I’m also going to write some cool places to get undies from in the next day or two.
Ok I saw this ad in my email today. Now the picture it self is hot as well you know. I have kinda mixed feelings about Ginch Gonch. Some of their stuff is really cool. like the picture. I really love the low cut briefs, I think again they are sexy as hell. But some of their underwear gives me the creepy child molester vibe. Yeah, the fire trucks and stuff on grown men’s underwear just ain’t right. I don’t know what it is but it’s like you’re wearing underoos at 40, you know just not good.
I like the solid colors, even the pink, and the star ones are ok. But the fire trucks, hockey players, and stuff like that just I can’t do it. Nope won’t happen. I love undies so much but this to me is just a bit weird. I entered their win underwear for a year contest, don’t really care if I win but you know it’s just those times that I usually win what I don’t care about. And I too will have fireman undies. You know I don’t think I could wear these even if I do win them. I could see me and Thomas making out and things getting hot and heavy and then take the pants off and I swear I can see him asking “What are those?” and laughing hysterically till he falls out of bed, hits his head on the night stand and is unconscious for about three hours.
I have worn many undies for guys in the past; I’m pretty open and will wear just about anything. I draw the line at women’s undies, although a lot of friends say my bikinis are women’s undies, they are just jealous they can’t fill them out, heheheh, and children’s undies. I guess Ginch Gonch, which I have no clue how to pronounce them, just reminds me so much of child’s undies that I can’t bring myself to wear them. It’s kinda like dad son role-play gone bad.
But hey I’m not knocking them for anyone else, but hey it’s not for me, if you have some, great, enjoy them, I bet they fit great, but just don’t put any in my stocking unless its solid colors or stars!
Ok, I left you hanging yesterday, and here it is. SkinTight parties are the ones in NYC where guys get together at a bar and wear their spandex (biking, superhero, wrestling singlets, leather, latex and Under Armour, and much, much more). They can dance and drink and make a night of it. I think it’s kind of like a celebration of your fetish. I don’t know who thought up the idea but a guy named Droo, (yes I spelled it right), has become the spandex prince of NYC. He is the organizer and host from what I can tell of the parties.
I have seen Droos pics online for a while and chatted with him on AIM. He seems like a great guy. He’s big time into gear so you know he scores points with me! The parties have been at some other bars and have moved to the current one. At this one, it’s preferred if you wear some type of skin tight clothing, but it’s not necessary to get into the event. There is an area for people to change so they don’t have to walk the streets of NYC dressed as a college wrestler, or as Spiderman. You can wear anything from an Under Armour shirt with jeans, or a latex catsuit. Mostly it’s some type of lycra gear. Which I think is cool, because from what I understand about the last parties, they were in an open bar, and I know if I were going I’d stay home, to have the regular queens be bitchy about the gear and really tear into people (Make fun of them)* I’m of the school, if you’re having fun and not hurting anyone, there’s no reason for someone to make fun of them. That’s just me though, & although I don’t always live up to it, you never intentionally hurt someones feelings. I know there are tons of fetishes out there, some of which I don’t quite understand, but as long as you’re consenting adults, knock yourself out. Ok, off the soap box and back to reality.
If I remember correctly the parties started as HardComixxx, with kind of superhero theme. Guys would dress up in superhero costumes, (spandex and the like), and get together. Now that is very hot! As a kid, who didn’t want to strip Aquaman or Robin and have their way with them? As you notice they always drew the guys with big bulges. I guess the gay guys in the comic book world drew the men they way they wanted, and the str8 guys in the comic book world drew women with large breasts. Like most guys though I don’t have a superhero costume and couldn’t wear one that often. So I think the move to all things spandex really gets more guys involved. Rather then spending big money, (some of the Superman costumes I’ve seen have been over $400, & Droo told me about Spiderman suits upwards of $1,500.00!), you can wear something you already own and just go hang out.
As you can see by some of the pics there are some guys who like to wear superhero costumes, and there are others who just wear spandex. I think it’s a cool mix. You see guys hanging out, dancing and drinking beer. Now that’s my kind of night. And btw, Droo said it was cool to post the pics. I wanted to make sure before I did. I think it’s really cool that guys in NYC are really embracing their fetish. There have been guys who have come all the way from Greece, Europe, China, Australia, and from points all over the USA. I really want to go up and go to one. As you can see by the pics the guys aren’t all super muscle studs, most are just average guys and to me that’s perfect. I think the parties are awesome.
You can keep up to date with party information at the following internet addresses:
Ok, I’m going to talk about something fun. That is my fetish for Undies! Lately I have noticed that there sure seems to be a lot of underwear ads and pics of guys in undies everywhere. The most recent is the ad for Gay.com
This ad really took me by surprise. The undies around the ankles are pretty hot to me. “More then meets the eye.” I’m not sure this tag line really goes with the pic but hell, I don’t mind. But hey it gets me to stop and look. I wont’ go into advertising principles I’ve learned but, I’ll just enjoy the hot ad!
Another area that has taken me by surprise was Speedo is now making undies.
I couldn’t believe it, and they look pretty cool too. The only problem is the price, again back to the 20 bucks for a brief discussion I’ve had before. But price aside, the undies are cool as sh*t. I looked them over at the Speedo site and how can you go wrong with undies being modeled by Michael Phelps. I’m sorry I think he’s a total stud. Yeah he’s younger then I like them but there is something about him that drives me crazy. HMMMM, Now if they could just get him to model the undies on the site, I’d love it. The ads I have seen are online and show Michael in various sexy looks. Like the one above. WOWSA! Boy is he hot.
Another great ad is from C-IN2, from the guy who brought us 2(x)ist. The kick off ad showed two guys in C-IN2 undies. pants around thier ankles, getting arrested by two hot cops (see pic above). Now, I wouldn’t mind getting arrested by them, they are pretty hot cops. This ad I will say just kinda took me by surprise. Usually for most underwear ads they are just guys standing around in undies by themselves, or more then one but nothing much happening. This ad is pretty cool. I have yet to get an of the C-IN2 undies, but I think they are great looking and 2(x)ist was, hope to get some very soon.
I have noticed that there are fewer and fewer boxers these days. Which to me is a good thing. I hate boxers to wear and they aren’t the least bit sexy. I have noticed a lot more briefs and some bikinis. Some of the new brands that I see a lot of lately are Go softwear, Aussiebum, Baskit, CK, 2xist to name a few. They are all moving towards microfibre and making more form fitting undies. This is a very good thing. The pic I created from pics from the internet show this. A lot of guys are getting better undies. Not the typical tighty whities and boxers. They are getting more microfibre, colors and styles. As many of you know I hate boxer briefs with a passion, they are too loose and provide no support and bunch up. Unless they are like the bike shorts one or made out of microfibre. I love those. I think men’s undies is going high tech. We are getting more comfort and style then ever before. But one thing about the new boxer briefs or trunks as they call them is that they are very designed to be very eye catching and fun. Look at the 2(x)ist ones that are black and white. Those are pretty cool. Also CK is doing some really great stuff with undies. I’ve never been a fan of CK, except for the white briefs, but lately they are getting better at undies, I have a few pairs and they fit incredible. They have started to use many colors and different styles, which is great. Even Jockey is doing some really cool new undies. I think everything is moving towards form fitting comfort and that is great! Take a look at some of the pics from the box covers and off the company web sites
I think there is a turn in underwear makers for men. Underwear is definitely changing. Which is a good thing. The 90s and the first part of 2000s were so boring for underwear. All we had was white, black and grey. How boring is that. If you’re old enough to remember the 80s, then you remember men’s undies were fun. We had colors and patterns and they were great. This was the best time to be wearing bikinis; there were so many brands and styles. Which unfortunately went away by the early 90s. But there seems to be a come back and more colors are coming back. I should have a contest “Show me your sexiest Undies” and win some. HMMMM, but I don’t think I have enough readers to do that yet and I know a lot of you guys wouldn’t send in pics cause you’re my friends and I know you that well!
Has anyone else noticed this about undies lately? Or am I just imagining things? Would love to have some of you post comments and tell me what you think, even if you don’t have a thing for undies, I’m an equal opportunity comment whore, opps, requester!
Have a great day guys.
Most of you don’t know I have a unique collection. I collect underwear ads. Yup that’s right ads of undies. It’s no secret that I have a fetish for sexy undies (bikinis, thongs, and the like), Speedos, spandex and sports gear. So about a year ago I was bored on eBay and put in Jim Palmer Jockey Ad, and it came up. Those ads were hours of enjoyment for me in the 80’s. Now I wish I would have cut them out and saved them. I bought a lot of them on Bay aned it’s really cool to have them now. I also collect modern day ads too, the ones today are so sexy. Usually Out, Instinct or one of those has great ads.
So I’ve been doing this about a year and when I get my own place, I’m going to frame some of them an hang them in my office. I have the original CK one of the guy in white briefs leaning back, Jim Palmer, ton of them, and a few other hot ones. But there is a series of ads, well two, by Fruit of the Loom, yup I said it, Fruit of the Loom, of Football players in a locker room and I think another of baseball players. Which I want, every time I’ve big on them on eBay I’ve lost. So I found the football one on a site for 17.99, debating whether to get it. It’s a great ad.
I know some of you out there are wondering why in the world would I collect them. Well as I’ve learned in school, some advertising has become art, and that’s true. There are truly some great ads out there. Some worthy of being framed and hung on the wall. I think that you should do things that improve your home, and I frame postcards and hang them up and just really inexpensive ideas for a change.
If any of you out there see those ads, EMAIL ME RIGHT AWAY, I def want them and it’s not easy finding underwear ads. Wish I would have saved all my old magazines now. Oh well, Just an insight into me. I’ll keep you posted on what I do with the ads, right now they are in a notebook, I personally think it would bed great to hang in an office at home. Now the problem would be if I ever date would the bf let me LOL, especially if we shared an office. HMMMM.
Have a great weekend and don’t do anything I wouldn’t! So that leaves it open.