Happy 4th of July those of us in the States! Those who aren’t enjoy your Monday! We are going to relax today! But enjoy this picture Tom Cullis took for Timoteo!
When you get Tom Cullis and Modus Vivendi together what do you get? Some really amazing pictures! Tom really has a great eye to capture his amazing models in awesome underwear!
These pics are under the Modus Vivendi post from Saturday but they are so awesome I wanted to profile them here as well. Tom Culls did a great job with these pics and we hope you enjoy
We hope you have an amazing and relaxing Labor Day. And we hope you have it on the beach if you can. I know many won’t but hey we can hope right? Picture from Tom Cullis for Timoteo!
Tom Cullis has become one of my favorite photos while working on UNB. I have chatted a few times but I just love his eye for taking amazing photographs. He’s always one to do amazing fun work.
It’s been a while since we profiled Timoteo! This is from amazing photog Tom Cullis. This is Michael wearing Sport 2.0 Super Low Brief. Find this and more at the Timoteo site.
We wanted to share a great pic about swimwear today! The pair most people have been talking about is the Limited Edition Olympian Super Low Swim Brief by Timoteo. This is one that is really big this season!
Today’s Brief Distraction is from Tom Cullis. This is one he did with the Timoteo Rugby line. Tom has become one of my favorite photographers. We will have more of his work!
We bring you another amazing picture from Tom Cullis. This picture features his models in Timoteo Singlets. He is fast becoming one of my favorite photographers.
We are so happy Tom Cullis sent us plenty of great pics to share with you guys. This one features his model Colby in Papi Underwear. We will have more for you soon!
We just wrapped up our UNB Swimwear Coverage and wanted to bring you another great pic from Tom Cullis. This picture features his model Cory Druilliard. We love to get pics from him and think he’s one of the best out there!
Today’s Brief Distraction is from one of the best photogs around, Tom Cullis. He’s never at a loss for shooting guys in great underwear/swimwear/activewear. Enjoy and we will have more from him soon. This is model Colby Lefebvre
Photographer: Tom CullisModel: Colby Lefebvre
Today’s Brief Distraction is from photog Tom Cullis. He shared a ton of pics with us! So this is one that features fitness model Cory Druilliard. He really has a great eye and is one of my fav photogs.
Over the last few days I have been talking to photog Tom Cullis. Who not only is talented but a really nice guy. He sent me a ton of pics to use. I was thrilled! This picture features model Justin James from NTA wearing Timoteo Underwear. You may have seen Justin a few times on this blog before and you’ll see him a few more times
Today’s Brief Distraction is from amazing photog Tom Cullis. He has become one of my favorite photogs in the industry. He has very good imagery and does great things with his lighting! If you haven’t done so check out our interview with him at the UNB Photography site. Lastly, the undies pictured are from Timoteo, its the Club House collection
Today’s Brief Distraction is from photog Tom Cullis and featuring underwear by Timoteo. We got a chance to interview him on our UNB Photography site. Head over there to read the interview and see what inspires him and how the partnership with Timoteo came about!
Today’s Brief Distraction features a picture from Timoteo! This is from photographer Tom Cullis. This is part of the new collection we have been telling you about. We will have more on Timoteo very soon and all the new pairs.
Are you a fan of the Brief Distractions we do here? Then you should check out the UNB Photography site. We have created a site to let you guys get to know the people behind the pics. Those people include the models, photographers and brands that make the amazing pictures you see. We profile more pics then we do here and some a little wilder we don’t or can’t publish here! We will have some model and photog interviews soon! The pic above is the Timoteo Rugby line as shot by Tom Cullis. The site address is http://www.unb-photography.com
Today’s Brief Distraction features Timoteo and amazing photographer Tom Cullis! He works a lot with Timoteo and always does great work! This is Colby wearing a Timoteo Sport Singlet in Red.
Today is the continuation of the Timoteo Brief Distractions. This picture is another by the amazing photographer Tom Cullis. Guy wearing a style from last season — A White Scuba Swim Brief. We hope you enjoy!
The Brief Distractions continue from Timoteo. The one thing they always do well is photography. No matter who takes the pics, if it’s Timoteo or Tom Cullis, the level of the pictures is always high. These pics from Tom Cullis are no different. We hope you enjoy them!
Today we bring you another awesome pic from Timoteo. This is another part of the Tom Cullis pictures with model Guy M. This picture features both Timoteo underwear and jeans!