
Men’s Underwear


Project 5 logoa350b6485125e40532bafac157a5ca5f_largeWhile I was doing my daily scroll of Facebook in July, I came across a very exciting notion.  Great quality underwear at an amazing price.  That’s right readers, quality underwear for the budget of every man.  Some of you who immerse yourselves in the underwear world as much as I do may have stumbled upon this miracle much as i did.  Who are these crazy folks?  They call themselves quite simply, Project 5.  I used my great deductive reasoning skills to figure out that they call themselves Project 5 because they intend to sell EVERY pair they make for $5.  I immediately added my email to their update list so that I can stay on top of their progress.  I also reached out to the manufacturer to get the skinny on their crazy idea of selling underwear at such an amazing price.  How do they do it you ask?  Well I’ll tell you.

I got a great response from Jose at Project 5 and he filled me in the on plan.  In his email to me he spoke very highly of his desire to provide great quality underwear at a great price.  Jose said, “Quality is going to be great and the price you can’t beat.”  Project 5 has already created another successful line of underwear and it’s this relationship with the manufacturer that allows them to keep costs down.  During a $5 sale of their current line they sold out and thus the concept was born.  Project 5 underwear will be successful I’m sure of it.

Project 5 underwear will be available to suit all underwear tastes.  Briefs and boxer briefs will be the main offerings in their line up.  I have not seen much of the colors yet, but on their launch page they showed a glimpse of the colors and they look very stylish and fun.  They have focused much on their waistband.  I like the twist on the letter “p” and the number “5” in the the logo.  It looks like a superhero’s logo.  Succeeding at this venture will undoubtedly make them a superhero to many underwear lovers.  Project 5 will use a wide range of materials to make sure that their comfort extends beyond the wallet to the butt of the wearer.  Cotton/spandex blends as well as nylon, modal, and polyester will ensure that each pair is made to the highest quality and comfort.  I am sure that as they grow more and more materials will be used and consistently maintain affordable prices.  The size chart for Project 5 is standard sizing for American manufacturers.  Since I have not gotten my hands on them yet, I will stick to my usual size plan.  Briefs I’ll get medium and trunks I’ll get small.  The figures I see on the chart make me think that my sizing plan will hold true.  I am eagerly awaiting some samples to test out and also to share with the other writers here at UNB and get more opinions.

project 5 size chart

How would you like to get an early jump on getting your own pair of Project 5 underwear?  They are offering this unique opportunity through a Kickstarter project.  Late last week they put up a Kickstarter page where you can help them fund the project.  Your contribution to their goal will score you underwear, stickers, and even personal messages of thanks from Project 5.  Check out the Kickstarter page for a peek at the underwear here: I hope that you all get behind this great new concept.  My excitement for this new brand is overflowing.  Getting this brand to market will really give other underwear brands a run for their money.  I have always wondered why underwear has to be so expensive and Project 5 is my kind of company.  Check them out!!

beckham2My second pair I am going to say every guy should own is the David Beckham Bodywear briefs for H&M. If you don’t know Beckham has a really nice ass… and his brand of underwear show off a great ass nicely. I got two pairs of these while on clearance at H&M for $5 each. The pair is super soft and comfortable.

The briefs really hug the ass nicely…they look great and feel amazing. The pair is 95% cotton and 5% elastin. They come in simple colors like solid black and solid white. I normally love designs and colors but I love that these are just simple looking. We don’t always need underwear to scream out loud…sometimes the fit does enough talking.


There is one thing that has always surprised me running UNB, is the number of guys who would never go shopping for underwear in person. They do 100% of their shopping online and don’t want to go into a store. This concept is foreign to me!

For as long as I can remember I used to go to the “Boy Next Door” or Macy’s here in Atlanta to find underwear. It’s always been fun just to go see the new styles or brands. I remember the first time I saw 2(X)ist, Go Softwear and C-IN2. They were all in stores!

So this had me wondering why is it there are guys who don’t want to shop in person?

Well the first reason I came up with is many guys are very personal and private. They don’t want a store clerk to judge them for buying a thong. They would rather be a faceless customer to an online store. If they had to walk up to a cash register and put a thong on the counter and pay for it. Well it would never happen.

Next, they equate buying great underwear with sexuality. This is one of the biggest myths in underwear. Guys think if they buy a great pair of briefs that they must be gay. Lately, more straight guys are buying underwear so you can’t “judge a book by its cover.” In fact most people who work in stores won’t blink an eye, especially if it’s an underwear store. They won’t care if you’re gay/straight/bi.

There are no stores in your area. I know if you’re in mid-America or live in a rural area your options are limited. Most underwear stores are in larger cities. I remember there used to be one in Des Moines, Iowa, but it went out of business. The market in Iowa is not the same as in NYC or LA. This is a hard one to over come. But if you go on vacation, find an underwear store and do some shopping

Lastly, some guys just get turned on buying underwear. I have fallen into this category when I was younger. Something about picking out underwear that just turns you on. For some this can be problematic in public while others it’s only mildly so. Over the years this has calmed down for me but sometimes I still get a little tingle when I go shopping. This usually depends on the place.

Let’s say you’re one of these guys who has never shopped in person and want to venture out to an underwear store. I say do it! Here are some reasons to do it in person.

Underwear needs to be seen and felt. After going to Magic/Curve this has taught me some of the pictures for underwear never do a pair justice. But, once you see a pair the color pops and you must have it. Also, feeling the material is part of the shopping experience. You wouldn’t buy a shirt or pants with out feeling them would you? You want clothes that feel good.

If you go shopping at a store that is all or a majority of underwear the staff can make recommendations. Most people in an underwear store will know the styles and make recommendations. Say you like 2(X)ist but are in a mood to try something new, they can recommend something they have that has a similar fit or fabric. You can be exposed to new brands.

Shopping is social, well it is to me. I love going shopping with a buddy who loves underwear. Much like a staff recommendation, a recommendation from a friend carries more weight then anyone else. I love helping a friend find new underwear or open their mind to new styles or fabrics. I have many friends who come to me for advice about brands they read on the site. It’s just fun to share!

If you are a guy who doesn’t shop in underwear stores I would suggest giving it a try. I’m not saying to give up shopping online. You can get some amazing deals and brands your local store doesn’t’ carry. Shopping in person you may be exposed to a new fabric or brand you wouldn’t have considered until you felt it. So mix up your shopping experience. If you do let me know how it goes !

Picture is from Brief Charlotte

10487635_10152309203027336_984557624_nHaving a bubble butt most people would think I would go for some briefs, or jocks, or thongs for my part of the 12 pairs every guy should own….but I am not going to. Well not entirely.

The first pair I am going to say every guy should own is Switcher Adam Boxer Briefs. I had never heard of this brand before until I saw it on one day. It is a brand I had never heard of. They are naval inspired and look a lot like boxers. They are really simple looking but are super soft. I love how they feel on my skin. I got them in Army Green, Grey, and just ordered them in white.

While looking into the company more for this I have discovered a lot about them. They don’t have a website for the United States…it is all European. The company says it is dedicated to not using child labor, no discrimination, wages are adequate, and hours are not excessive.

So if you want a nice minimal pair of boxer briefs I recommend tracking down some Switcher.

mbl02-red-gWould you dare to wear lace? I hear many of you out there going “no way,” “That isn’t my thing” or “If I wanted women’s underwear, I’d buy it.” Lace underwear is one of those things that has always caused controversy on UNB. There are guys who love it and those who would NEVER wear it.

A few years ago we did a week-long series of MaleBasics reviews on the lace undies. Some of our guys gave it a try. It turned out pretty well overall. The guys who reviewed wanted to try it out.

We go back to about 2010, which is when the trend of men’s lace underwear started to come into underwear market. The main thing that surprised me was the creativity the companies had about the new lines. Some of the pairs were inspired to look like women’s underwear. Believe it or not there are plenty of guys out there who love wearing women’s underwear. But, men don’t fit well in those pairs because they aren’t made for us

Then there were companies that took lace and made underwear for men. This is just taking the lace fabric and creating underwear for men and inspired by men. This includes making briefs, thongs and other pairs out of solid or partial lace. The one style that surprised me was a jockstrap. Male Basics took a jock and turned it into something interesting out of lace.

My personal point of view is there is nothing wrong with lace underwear. I have reviewed a pair of Male Power and it fit amazing. I was really surprised how supportive and great they felt. I worried the fabric wouldn’t give or things wouldn’t fit right. Granted I can’t find the pair now, so it kind of makes me upset I don’t have it still in my drawer.

I have talked to some of our readers. One reader really likes guys in lace underwear. He said “it’s the mix of masculine and feminine. Seeing a masculine guy in lace just is a great mix” That is one opinion another is “Guys should look like guys” and not wear something that looks like a woman will wear.

Those of you out there who have never thought about lace maybe wondering if sexual orientation is brought into the mix. I have talked to plenty of guys about underwear, gay/bi/straight and guys across all like and dislike lace underwear. So, in my unscientific research sexual orientation is not important in this. I have heard straight guys say they love it and so do their girlfriends. Then I had gay guys say no way would they wear lace.

This brings me to the point of this post. We all love amazing underwear. Each of us has a specific style, fabric or brand we love most. Would you wear lace underwear? Why would you or wouldn’t you? What would your significant other think of seeing you in lace?

gbgb feb 2012

As I mentioned before on the Good Boy Gone Bad post, this is one of the times I met them in a suite at the Mandalay Bay. I always get a preview and show of everything they make. This time Marko was there as the model. He’s such a sweet guy I enjoy when I get to see him modeling. GBGB Wear is a lot of fun and we will let you know about the new line. I am flying home today. I took the weekend off to spend with friends and will have a lot of things from Magic this week!

UN53-14-FullIt maybe a shock that one of the pairs I think our readers should own is a trunk. I know I’m kind of the anit-trunk guy. Most of my reviews are briefs and that’s my go to style. However, I think we all need a diverse underwear drawer. I don’t think we should have all of one style.

Over the last few years the Signature line has been refreshed from N2N and has been available in several color combinations. Up until this year I have reviewed every upgrade that has come out. Each time they fit great and have new colors that accent the pouch!

One thing you may notice in both of my picks is that I love a great pouch. I also love underwear that shows it off. I don’t always wear underwear that does but for me it just fits better and I feel amazing when I wear something with a defined pouch. Being on the larger endowment it’s really important to have this extra room!

Another reason I picked this is we all need diversity in our underwear drawers. I’m the kind of person I never want to wear just one thing. I have several favorites and like to rotate them. Plus it gives versatility in your choices. You can mix and wear under jeans or pants.

You can find this at the N2N website


So if you have noticed I have not been writing as much as usual, its because I have been ill and been having to go to the Doctor and the hospital a lot.

As usual with medical visits you have to take your clothes off. Even when sick you should always wear nice underwear. Every time I went in I needed to drop my pants, and the nurses and the doctor noticed my underwear was always different. There was one nurse who I dealt with each visit and early on she mentioned how my underwear choices are very interesting. I thanked her and told her I collect underwear and like to wear fun, colorful and interesting underwear.

She said she has notice more guys are breaking away from the standard choices in underwear but I have been the only guy who would actually talk about it. As my visits continued she told me she always looked forward to seeing y choice of underwear. One day the surgeon said that my different underwear was like a rainbow of colors.

It felt great to get validation in my underwear choice, bust I had wished it wasn’t due to illness. The nurses said they will miss my humor and my chats about underwear. I told them that I hope more men will start spicing up their underwear.

So always remember to wear not only clean underwear but wear fun underwear cause you really never know who will see and it might cheer them up. On a side note I got an all clear (finally) from the Doctors.


I came up with this idea for our guys to write up pairs we think every guy should own. Its morphed into pairs we love that that we think everyone should own. Some of the pairs we have profiled aren’t around but still are amazing undies.

Finding just two pairs I could recommend was hard. There are so many I love but I had to dig deep and only pick two. So I thought about which pair I would want to wear if I could only wear two pairs. Then narrowed it down and the first pair is the Cocksox CX01 Bikini.

It’s no wonder that they are celebrating 8 years this year! They make underwear that fits amazing. The pouch is the main reason I love this pair. Granted some guys don’t like putting it all out there but I don’t fall into that category. I love putting on underwear that makes me feel awesome. The first time I slid on my very first pair of the CX01 I was in love.

The way they conformed to my body and held everything was just amazing. It takes me back to my younger days where bikinis were my favorite style to wear. Granted none of the ones I loved Growing up could match the pouch on this pair! If you’re shy and don’t want to show off then this isn’t for you. If you don’t care or want to show it off then grab a few pairs of these.

These are a must have because they really give me great confidence through out the day. I always feel special when wearing them. I have several colors and each time I pull one out I smile in the morning and that’s a great way to start the day.


9524_0072It’s interesting how I ended up saving one of my final Andrew Christian pairs to review for the end of the week and I felt like it incorporated many of my previous pairs aspects. To me, this pair seemed to bring parts of several other pairs into one unique jockstrap. This pair is the Teaser Jock with Show-It Technology. Upon glancing at this pair, it seemed to incorporate aspects of other jockstraps including the Jumper Jock and the Bubble Butt jockstrap. This pair has the basic jockstrap back, the front straps similar to the Jumper Jock and the open “V” cut out in front like the Bubble Butt jockstrap. Both of these jocks had definite tease appeal which brings it to the name of the Teaser Jock. This jockstrap is all about feeling sexy and teasing your audience and when I slipped it on, I had a sense of sexiness take over that I loved. Underwear should make you feel something whether it is confident, sexy, or comfortable and this pair did that for me.

I gave this jockstrap a test run over the weekend. I love cleaning house in next to nothing, whether a jockstrap or thong. This pair of underwear held up through my chores, errands, and dinner with friends. It was a good combination of my past thongs into one and held up well over the course of the day. One thing that I found interesting on this pair was that whenever I went to the bathroom, I felt like my member slipped through the “V” when putting him back in. I will admit, it was a little annoying but that is the price you pay for a sexy front cut out. Besides that small movement, everything else with the underwear fit and functioned fine. I like how this pair of underwear combined the appealing aspects of the previous pairs into one.

Once again Andrew Christian succeeds in their sizing. I wear a medium and the pair fit perfectly in all of its areas. The front, sides, and back held onto my body with no problems at all. It is nice to see a company be able to do practical, comfortable, sexy, and more in a variety of styles and alterations while still staying true to the figure. It is almost as if Andrew Christian understood what their customers wanted and took all of those positives and put it into one. No wonder it is limited edition! Get it while you can!

The final Andrew Christian pair is on tap for tomorrow. Sunday funday! Come check it out….


  • Tempting look
  • Unusual limited edition
  • Sizing perfection


  • “V” cut out interferes with bathroom movement
  • Limited edition means limited options


  • Daily Fit = 8
  • Sizing = 10
  • Construction/Materials = 9
  • Styling = 9
  • Daily Performance = 8
  • Overall = 8

Find this pair on the Andrew Christian site for $27.43. Post contains and affiliate link.

Jam Aug 2011

This was one of those years where things were messed up! I say this because Curve ran Sunday and Monday and Magic ran Tues-Thursday. So I flew out at 6 AM, a short lay over in Denver and I was in Vegas and hit the ground running. While at Curve I got this picture of Jam Underwear. I didn’t get to talk much to them but got two pics. This also was the last year that most men’s brands attended Curve. Most moved over to Magic.

9632_5009_1It’s Friday! Fetish Friday to be exact! What better way to celebrate this day than a steamy pair of underwear sure to start the weekend off right.Andrew Christian released a pair of underwear that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. The C-Ring Brief Jock is sure to get you counting down to 5:00pm and ready for a hot date night. This jockstrap features a cock ring like front that enhances your package and a butt lifting jockstrap support in the back. A pair that enhances all the way around. The cock ring like front adds a lift to the package and an open hole for the entire package to be out and freely exposed. I slipped the pair on, got everything positioned, and looked down to see my package out and about in all of its glory. The front of the underwear, except for the hole that your package is exposed through, is similar to a brief. This can definitely be appealing for those who like the fit of a brief versus a jockstrap or minimal front.

My Friday was similar to my other days of the week, taking the pair through the normal work day routines. It was interesting wearing this pair with the open front because I found myself double checking to make sure my zipper was closed. You can definitely feel that you are a little more exposed which is both frightening and intriguing all the same. The C-Ring was not uncomfortable but it did feel a little tight at the base of the package where the fabric meets the skin. This is the same feeling that I had in a previous Andrew Christian pair that was package enhancing. The back fits similar to any other jockstrap with straps that lift the butt and add a comfortable feeling.

I wear a medium and as usual Andrew Christian fits the body perfectly for their man. With all of the Andrew Christian pairs I own and have reviewed in the past week, I can clearly state that Andrew Christian stays true to their waistband and makes pairs of underwear that fit your body in all of the right places and with no problems. If you are looking for a completely exposing and sexual pair of underwear, this is a great pair to get you through the day and ready for a fun night to remember. Trust me, I saw the eyes of the other when my pants slid off!

Andrew Christian week is nearing its end. Stay tuned for a weekend finale….


  • Fetish friendly
  • Visual exposure
  • Enhances assets


  • Tight, cockring-like pouch
  • Over exposed feeling


  • Daily Fit = 9
  • Sizing = 10
  • Construction/Materials = 9
  • Styling = 10
  • Daily Performance = 8
  • Overall = 9

Find this and other pairs at the Andrew Christian Site. This pair retails for $23.93 on the Andrew Christian site.

Post contains an affiliate link.

prld-3.xlgSo…you all want to know what a great pair of underwear is you should have in your collection?  I know of a couple brands that produce underwear that is nothing short of amazing.  I was introduced to the first of these through a gift I was given by an ex-boyfriend.  He found a store in Ft. Lauderdale that was closing out a bunch of underwear.  He thoughtfully purchased a pair of Unico trunks for me.  We won’t even go into where his thoughtfulness went after that.  So he gave me the underwear knowing that I am an underwear junky.  Let me tell you something, I was impressed by them.  To be honest they had been on my wish list for a long time.  Finding low prices on Unico can be a challenge.  Luckily he found them on clearance at the store.  Unico was added to my collection then permanently added to my collection for the first and definitely not the last time.

Unico added to my collection a different sort of underwear.  Up until them most of my underwear had been Calvin Klein or 2xist.  Great brands by all means, but Unico stands out as a brand to me cherished.  Every pair of Unico underwear that I own is to say the least perfect.  The cut, fabric, waistband, and pouch make for the best kind of underwear possible.  I prefer the Unico briefs over trunks, but that is also a general preference in underwear as a whole.  The briefs they make provide the best support and all day comfort we all look for in underwear.  If you prefer trunks, the same can be said.  The fabric they use can seem a bit stiff at first, but once you put it on you’ll quickly see that they know exactly how underwear should feel against the skin.  Soft, yet firm enough to stay where in should through a day’s wearing.  This is also credited to fact that Unico has somehow figured out how to cut their underwear in such a way that it fits to a “T” in both briefs and trunks.  They are one of the few brands that runs a seam up the middle of your butt.  I think that this creates a lifting action to help your butt look better.  Seam placement can be challenging and have a mid-butt seam is a tactic more companies should adopt.  Another great aspect is the pouch.  Whether you are well endowed or not, having a place for your junk to rest comfortably is very important.  With Unico underwear, all their underwear features a pouch that holds your junk as should be held.  I can not begin to tell how much this pouch is valued feature to me.  When I put them on everything just naturally rests where it should.  Please keep in mind that as you read this paragraph about great Unico fits, you must keep in mind how they size them.  They are a South American company and all their lines run small.  If you’ve read my sizing standards you’ll know that I always go up a size in Unico.  If you wear small, then a medium is a must in this brand.  Make sure you first experience with Unico is a good one and order correctly.

Ok, so you want to add Unico to your collection.  I don’t blame you.  I want more!  Unico is a brand that rarely is priced at a bargain.  Many sites will tell you it’s a bargain and frankly, it’s not bad, but 40% off is still putting you the $30 per pair range.  If you can swing it, go for it.  Recently landed a great lot of Unico underwear and about 70% off retail.  Yes, I stocked up.  Keep in mind that is discounting discontinued lines.  Other sites are discounting current lines and so the price is higher, but for a great like Unico, still a bargain.  Whether you buy current or discontinued lines the underwear is still basically the same.  Only the design changes.  The construction and fit has never changed in my experience with Unico.  Find a deal or a pay full retail, you’re gonna get a great pair.

What else can be said?  Oh right…have you bought yours yet?  Ha!  I know that if you already have Unico in your collection you are saying that I am preaching to the choir.  If for some reason you don’t have Unico yet, you’ll be happy when you add them.   If trying for the first time, find that bargain and test them out.  I feel very confidant you’ll be happy with your purchase.  If you have a different opinion of Unico I’d love hear it.  If you know of current sale on Unico I’d love to hear that too.  We are all fans of a great daily garment and finding the best and most comfortable can be a challenge.  Unico, in my honest opinion, can be a solution.

Picture from International Jock


Andrew Christian TROPHY BOY SPIDER THONG 9543Happy Thong Thursday everyone!  Naturally I had to celebrate with Andrew Christian‘s Trophy Boy Spider Thong with Show-It Technology.  I love the look of these spider thongs because of all of the straps and cutouts that really let you feel sexy and show off some skin.  Taking a look at this thong you immediately notice a few things.  First there are the additional side straps underneath the waistband making the pair look more like a spider web with all of the different lines.  These straps meet in the back at a wider top triangle than most thongs.  The straps add a pleasant image to the sides of the thong as it allows a section of skin to show that is usually revealed when wearing a thong anyways, but this adds a level of excitement and sex appeal.  Another thing you will notice is the built in pouch in the front that enhances your bulge.  Slipping the pair on, it is important to make sure you get your entire package into the pouch in front for the best profile and comfort.

The thong held up quite well during my workday as I did all of the normal movements of sitting, standing, walking, and driving.  I enjoy giving underwear test runs through the work day because it is important to find pairs that can be a significant part of your drawer and become in rotation for everyday wear and not just special occasions.  The strap in back never felt uncomfortable which I appreciate with thongs.  Nothing is worse than wearing a thong where the back strap rubs or irritates your butt all day.  All of the straps stayed in place and were comfortable all day long.  The extra straps on the side didn’t bunch up or tighten the pair at all.  The only slight discomfort I felt during the day was how tight the front pouch was around my package.  I consider myself average in that department and I felt as though the front pouch was too constricted throughout the day.  I have never worn a cockring for any length of time but that is what I felt like it probably resembled.  For some, this may be a pro and not a con.

I purchased a medium as that is my normal size and the underwear stayed true to size.  As I mentioned above, the only area I did not feel that it fit right was in the enhancing front pouch.  I would not rule this out and would definitely wear this pair again.  It was not enough to turn me off from the pair.  The pair still continues to turn me on and hopefully a partner when seen!

Andrew Christian week continues tomorrow with a Friday fun special treat….


  • Visual appeal
  • Pouch enhancement
  • Vibrant color


  • Tight, cockring-like pouch


  • Daily Fit = 8
  • Sizing = 9
  • Construction/Materials = 9
  • Styling = 10
  • Daily Performance = 8
  • Overall = 9

Find this pair on the Andrew Christian website. Post contains an affiliate link.

Andrew Christian TROPHY BOY SPIDER THONG 9543


The second pair every man needs is a few great pair of silk boxers. If you ever have to dress up for a job interview, wedding or funeral there is no better underwear to wear under dress pants. ManSilk Makes the Stripe Jacquard Boxer for around $33.00

They are smooth against the material of the pants and feel cool and free. The silk against you feels like nothing else, almost like a sensual massage. Plus if you have the opportunity to take your pants off with someone else, they look amazing on.

Next time you’re out shopping for some great new underwear, get yourself some Under Armour Boxerjocks and some great silk boxers. You won’t be disappointed.

You can find these on and Amazon


9567_5_You know what Wednesday is, Hump Day!  When I think of hump day, I think of a butt, which makes me think of underwear that shows off a butt.  So for this hump day, I bring you the Andrew Christian Almost Naked Jumper Jock.  This jock is very similar to all of the other jocks on the site at first glance.  Notably different on the front are 2 cut outs on both sides of the pouch that show a little front skin, teasing your viewer.  I love this.  Anything that can add skin or a tease is a plus in my book!

I slipped this pair on for hump day to tackle a long work day of all of my usual movements.  On a side note, it was interesting to wear this jockstrap after wearing the Andrew Christian Bubble Butt jock on Monday which had the additional straps across the butt.  I wondered where the extra boast was when I slipped this pair on!  Part of me missed them.  Reading the product description of this pair really talks about how free the front pouch makes you feel and how enjoyable it is that you do not have to worry about the traditional chafing, squashing and re-adjusting.  I have to say that Andrew Christian did this justice as I was comfortable all day long!  Many people do not think of wearing a jockstrap throughout the day.  It has become associated with sports or exercise.  I appreciate the feel of this jock.  It felt very freeing underneath my suit, both in the front and the back.  By the end of the day, I had been so comfortable I forgot about comparing the extra straps that morning.

My typical medium fit great.  Andrew Christian seems to be 100% accurate when it comes to sizing.  I never have any problems with his underwear and their fit and this one met all expectations.  It is important to know that a designer can make briefs, boxers, thongs, and jocks, various styles of each, that all fit true to who you are.  This jockstrap is a limited edition which means it won’t be around long and will not be repeated down the road.  I recommend adding this special one to your drawer.  Jump on this chance!

Tomorrow is Thong Thursday, see what is coming up….


  • Comfortable, freeing fit
  • Unique design


  • Too basic in color and limited edition!


  • Daily Fit = 9
  • Sizing = 10
  • Construction/Materials = 9
  • Styling = 8
  • Daily Performance = 9
  • Overall = 9

Find this pair on the Andrew Christian website. This post contains an affiliate sales link

Andrew Christian Almost Naked Jumper Jock 9567


The first one I love is Under Armour Boxerjock. This is, in my opinion, the ideal underwear for working out. They wick away moisture so you stay cool and dry. They are also very supportive. Everything stays where its supposed to while lifting weights or working on cardio.

Not only are they ideal for working our by wicking away the moisture and keeping everything in place but they look amazing on. I have never seen a guy wearing Under Armour that doesn’t look amazing.

You can find these at UnderArmour site.

Andrew Christin 9568 Trophy Boy G-StringTo continue my Andrew Christian marathon week I decided to try out the new Andrew Christian Trophy Boy G String.  First I have to say that I love how companies like Andrew Christian can make both styles of thongs, the g string and the thong.  Many people may think they are similar but their structure is different and I appreciate anyone who is able to understand the two separately.  This g-string is built like most others which features extra thin straps along the waist band and up the back with a very little pouch in front to cover the package.

When I first slipped the pair on, I was in awe of its beautiful sexy look.  Thongs and g-strings have such a signature look that they make you feel sexy and take you to a new persona the moment you put them on.  I love this about them.  For me, I feel different and I feel sexy and that is what underwear should make you do.  It should be a showcase of how you feel.  I made sure all of the straps were perfectly in place before I slipped some pants on and proceeded with my day.  There is a nice little “Trophy Boy” tag on the side strap and yes, today, I was my own trophy boy!  I instantly felt like I had nothing on underneath my pants which was great!  Nothing was tight or uncomfortable.  The sides and back felt naked and the strap up the back did not rub or feel awkward in anyway.  Even if you are a beginner with thongs, I think this pair would not intimidate you.

The whole day I felt naked underneath my pants or like anything was barely there.  This is a great feeling because it shows an incredible attention to comfort and allows something so sexy such as a g-string to become a pair of underwear you can wear outside of the bedroom.  One of the only negative things about the wear and tear of the g-string is that the thin straps on the side will twist and turn with your movement all day.  If you are OCD, you will find yourself adjusting the strap to get the “Trophy Boy” tag facing correctly and everything looking just right.  The front pouch is nice because it has the flexibility to be as wide or as narrow as you want it to be.  Like the side straps, the pouch will bunch up as the day goes on.  A simple adjustment can fix this in no time.

For the basic g-string, this pair takes it a step up.  It’s beautiful in looks and despite a few small adjustments needed here and there, it is a perfect addition to the sexy side of your drawer.  The bottom line is, this g-string stands for GREAT!

Andrew Christian week continues tomorrow with a hump day special!  Stay tuned….


  • Visual appeal
  • Pouch flexibility
  • Comfort and material


  • Strap movement and twisting
  • Pouch bunching


  • Daily Fit = 8
  • Sizing = 9
  • Construction/Materials = 8
  • Styling = 9
  • Daily Performance = 8
  • Overall = 8

Find this pair on the Andrew Christian site. Post contains an affiliate sales link

Andrew Christin 9568 Trophy Boy G-String